5 reasons | 5 reasons to buy Xisto wines

5 reasons

5 reasons to buy Xisto wines

Xisto Wines is a husband and wife team who through a passion for wine and adventure have imported artisan wine from Portugal using traditional cargo ships. The voyage by sail is fossil fuel-free and leaves minimal impact on the planet, meaning we are the world’s most sustainable wine importers of Portuguese wines!

  • We have, hand on heart, close personal friendships with all of our wine producers.
  • The winemakers we work with passionately reflect the terroir of their regions. They make authentic wines from organic and bio-dynamic farming methods made naturally in the cellar. Their skills and minimal intervention methods produce some of the finest wines Portugal has to offer.
  • Our method of transport is sail cargo ships, re-establishing ancient trade routes. The journey of the wine carried by the wind is as carbon neutral as possible.
  • We have barrels of wine specially prepared for the voyage from Porto to Bristol. The wine is sea aged and the journey adds a complexity to the wine that is truly unique. We call them Port O' Bristol
  • It doesn’t stop there… we run our van on bio diesel made from the oil we collect from the restaurants we supply. It is our aim to make our business a "circle of zero waste"

“Made my rebels, shipped by pirates, drunk by heroes” as we like to say.

You can read more about our adventure on our website.

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Comments: 1 (Add)

Shane Kelly on September 13 2020 at 11:26

The Alvarinho is my absolute favourite white wine. Must get some more.

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