Recipes | Gin and cucumber sorbet


Gin and cucumber sorbet

If you're looking to mark World Gin Day this weekend why not rustle up this refreshing gin and cucumber sorbet which was created by Simon Dawson of Bell's Diner in Bristol.

Gin and cucumber sorbet

(makes about 12 scoops)

200 g caster sugar

200 ml water

35 ml glucose syrup

1/2 tsp salt

Juice and zest of 1 lemon

16 mint leaves

2 cucumbers

100 ml gin (we use Beefeater)

Put the sugar, water and glucose syrup in a pan over a medium heat and bring it to the boil, stirring occasionally.

When all the sugar has dissolved, remove the pan from the heat, add the salt and lemon juice and zest and let it stand for five minutes.

Slice the mint leaves very finely and add to the syrup in the pan. Pour the mixture into a bowl, let it cool a little then cover and put it in the fridge overnight.

Peel and roughly chop the cucumber and blend in a processor until smooth. Add the pulp to the syrup mixture, strain through a fine sieve then add the gin.

Churn in an ice cream machine or pour into a shallow container and freeze, stirring with a fork from time to time to break up the ice crystals. It’ll take about 24 hours to freeze properly in a domestic freezer.

In the restaurant we serve the sorbet with a dash of frozen gin - generally Portobello Road. We also recommend it with a gimlet.

© Bell’s Diner & Bar Rooms 2014

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Comments: 1 (Add)

Robin on September 30 2020 at 21:04

2 cucumbers? How big? Cucumbers range in size from 4 inches to well over 1'. I don't know how anyone can make this recipe without more specific amounts.

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