Best ever seville orange marmalade


Best ever seville orange marmalade

I’m not a great one for ‘the perfect this’ or ‘the perfect that’ in recipes but if you’re a marmalade aficionado I promise you this is as good as it gets. Intensely fruity, thick and sharply flavoured.

OK, I’m biased. It was my mum’s recipe so it carries a bit of emotional baggage. I can remember the kitchen filling up with a warm, comforting marmaladey fug and sitting alongside her as a child slicing the oranges. She wasn’t a wonderful cook but this was her pièce de resistance. I still have the original written neatly in blue ink on a piece of Basildon Bond notepaper.

I’d got out of the habit of making it but after she died a few years ago I started again in memory of those companionable times. Besides seville oranges are in season so now’s the moment.

(You can of course buy marmalade much, much more cheaply than it will cost you to make it. But it won’t taste anything like as good.

First a few practicalities:

* Assuming you don’t have a preserving pan you need a large saucepan. A large stainless steel pasta pan is perfect. The bottom of a pressure cooker will do.

* You need jars. You can buy them online from sites like Wares of Knutsford - or from Wilko - but that does add to the cost so beg or borrow some from neighbours. Not pickle or chutney jars in which the smell of the previous contents tends to linger. The jars need to be as clean as possible. Old recipes suggest sterilising them by putting them in a hot oven but I find a recent run through the dishwasher will do the trick. (You may need to soak them first to remove previous labels).

* I used to put waxed discs on the top of the marmalade to help it keep better but tend not to these days - usually, as in the case of this year because I found I hadn’t got them at the critical moment. Again you can get them - and new labels - from a specialist like Lakeland or Wares of Knutsford.

* You need a couple of saucers in the fridge to test the set and a small jug and a wide necked funnel for potting (see method)

* and finally, and most importantly, you need seville oranges, unwaxed lemons and sugar in the following quantities. The original recipe stated preserving sugar but this is now so hard to get and twice as expensive as granulated so I use that these days.

1.35 kg (3lb) Seville oranges, preferably organic
1 large or 2 small lemons, preferably unwaxed
1.7-1.8kg (3 3/4-4lb) granulated sugar (I use 1.7kg)

This makes about eight 400g jars but your jars will probably be all shapes and sizes and the quantity always turns out different depending how long you boil the marmalade so make sure you have slightly more than you need.

Wash and scrub the oranges and lemons with a vegetable brush and put them whole into a large pan with 1.3 litres (2 1/4 pints) of cold water.

Cover the pan with a lid or a large sheet of foil and bring slowly to the boil. Simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, turning them occasionally until they are soft enough for you to pierce the skins with the end of a teaspoon. (You can probably remove the lemons after an hour and the oranges progressively after that). The kitchen will smell heavenly.

Remove the fruit and set aside until cool enough to handle. Measure out the remaining liquid. If there is less than 1.1 litres (just under 2 pints) add enough fresh water to bring it up to that level

Cut the fruit into quarters, scoop out the pulp and separate out the pips. (Hang onto them, don’t chuck them away) Cut the skins into small thick slices and add them back to the pan along with the pulp.

Heat up the reserved cooking liquid slightly. Put the reserved pips into a sieve, hold it over the pan of fruit and pass the warm liquid through stirring to loosen the pulp that’s still attached to pips, scraping it off the bottom of the sieve with a spatula. (This is much easier and less messy than the traditional method of putting them in a muslin bag.)

Give the fruit and liquid a stir and leave it to rest for an hour or so. (This also helps improve the set)

Bring the fruit up to just below boiling point, add the sugar and leave over a low heat, stirring occasionally until the sugar has dissolved.

Bring back to the boil and cook the marmalade quite fast for 25-30 minutes, this time without stirring.

Test a little on a chilled saucer after 25 minutes to see if it’s set. As it cools it should crinkle when you push it with your finger. If it doesn’t boil it for another 5 minutes and repeat the saucer test. As the marmalade reaches setting point it will darken and grow thicker but don’t overcook it. I like mine light, fresh and as tart as possible given the shedload of sugar in it.

Once the marmalade has reached setting point, remove from the heat, skim off any foam that has accumulated on the surface and allow to cool for about half an hour.

Warm your jars if they’re not already sitting in the dishwasher and ladle or pour the marmalade into them (I find using a small jug and a wide-necked funnel makes this easier. Cover with a disc of waxed paper, if using, and seal with screw top lids or clear covers. Wipe any splashes off the side of the jars while they’re still warm.

Leave until cold before labelling otherwise the labels won’t stick.

Feel smug and happy.


You can of course cut the amount of work involved by chopping the peel in a food processor but I like proper looking chunks in my marmalade. Just get someone to sit alongside you as you slice and scoop away. It’s a nice thing to do with your kids, or other half preferably to a good blast of music.

Oh, and a final tip. You can freeze seville oranges successfully if you haven’t time to make all your marmalade in one go or run out of jars. Just wash and dry them before you freeze them, use them from frozen and increase the boiling time until they’re cooked through.

It is of course perfect for toast - preferably Aga toast - but you can also use it to make this awesome marmalade cocktail.

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Comments: 9 (Add)

Keith Cowling on February 8 2025 at 18:03

I've used the recipe for the annual marmalade brew. I like the approach of poaching the whole oranges. That seems to work very well. There are two parts of the recipe that didn't work very well for me though. The target of 1.1 litres of liquid before the final boil wasn't enough. The first brew based on this amount set solid in the jars and had to be re-heated to add more liquid. The second brew using about 1. 6 litres was about right and produced an extra jar of finished marmalade. The second point is that you can't really leave the final boil unstirred if you are using a stainless steel pan. Stainless steel doesn't conduct heat as fast as cast iron, copper or aluminium, so a fast boil of jam for 20 minutes without stirring generally results in burnt solids at the bottom of the brew.

Jo Ruby on July 13 2024 at 01:36

Addition to my last comment - I added 3/4 cup of 12 yo single malt whisky to the pot at the end, stirred it through and let it sit for 10 minutes. OMG. It is the BEST marmalade. Hubby not impressed I used his good whisky, but he loves the result, as do friends who have been gifted jars. This recipe is so good, I went and bought a 15kg box of Seville oranges from our grocer. I’ve gone marmalade mad!

Jo Ruby on July 1 2024 at 23:03

I’ve made marmalade for a few years now - the old method of cutting and leaving over night etc. Tried this one as an experiment - and what an experiment. The marmalade is divine. Hubby has given it the thumbs up - says it’s REAL marmalade!!! Have more Seville oranges so will be making more. However - thinking I will try a batch of mixed citrus - have limes, lemons, grapefruit and Seville oranges.

JoMas on February 6 2022 at 16:57

Just used this for my first ever batch of marmalade and it has worked brilliantly! Seems much less hassle than the more standard recipes. Set well and tastes fab. Thank you Fiona 😊

Fiona Beckett on February 1 2022 at 19:59

@nicky smith. Yes they should be fine but would try and make it this week. The fresher the better!

And @mark Tennent good to have another recipe for people to chose from. Spend half an hour earnestly discussing marmalade today with a friend who makes it quite a different way. All marmalade is good (except when it's too sweet!)

Mark Tennent on February 1 2022 at 19:53

I've done 5 kilos this year already. Each time it has taken less than 90 minutes total to make, in two stages..

After washing the oranges and lemons, pick out their eyes and put the fruit into a pressure cooker with just enough liquid to cook. About 300 to 500ml but err on less than more. Cook for 30 mins or so and leave overnight in the pan to cool down.

Next day put a plate to the freezer, remove fruit from pressure cooker and pour the same weight of sugar (or 1kg sugar to 1kg uncooked oranges} into the pressure cooker which should still have the liquid from cooking the fruit. Add 1 sachet of pectin (cheapest route) or use sugar with pectin in (££) Heat gently, I use 75% power on my induction hob. Keep an eye on it and stir occasionally in case your hob cooks too fast. A good tip is to cover the hob top with kitchen roll to make cleaning easy but only for induction hobs

Meanwhile, with a spoon, scrape out the fruit pulp, putting the pulp and seeds in a colander over a bowl to catch any juice. Chop the fruit skins into the sze you want and add to the sugar mixture which will be bubbling nicely by now. With a thermometer, heat until it reaches 104°, usually a matter of a few minutes which is just enough time to put half a dozen lidless jars in the microwave for a couple of minutes. After cheching the jam is thick enough using the ice cold plate, it's readying for bottling.

Nicky Smith on February 1 2022 at 18:42

Hello Fiona, this recipe sounds great. I ought some Seville oranges last week and have been wondering what to do with them! The best before date says 28th jan but they should be ok if I make in next day or so? Thanks!

Fiona Beckett on January 13 2022 at 12:32

Sorry, this isn't very clear. I generally part cover the pan to prevent evaporation as you say. It also helps the oranges to cook more evenly as they bob up to the top and if they're uncovered it takes longer to cook them through. Foil is fine or part cover with a pan lid.

Sally - my custard pie on January 13 2022 at 12:13

Continuing my marmalade making journey after starting last year and making 3 batches. Quick question - when you say cover the pan and bring to the boil do you keep it covered while simmering? I haven't seen this in any other recipe - there is a lot of reduction in some of them though so this would make sense.

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