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Wine pop-ups and supper clubs
Pop-ups and supper clubs have been around for a good while now but an increasing number are offering a wine or beer tasting experience alongside their menu.
I particularly like the sound of Two Hungry Girls’ English Wine and Chinese Food evening which they’re hosting in Hampstead on October 28th with Grogger, a group of winelovers and designers who blog at grogger.tumblr.com (nice blog).
It’s worth checking out the rest of the Edible Experiences website which lists a whole raft of off-the-wall food-focussed evenings. You might also enjoy the Secret Wine Suppers which are run by the girls at A Grape Night In who used to work for Jamie Oliver's Fifteen. Their next gig is on the 25th of October in Clapham when they'll be presenting five mystery wines to match a menu from The Rookery restaurant.
In Bristol Danielle Coombs of the Bishopston Supper Club regularly holds beer and cider suppers and also collaborates with local wine merchant Grape & Grind on seasonal wine dinners. The next one is on November 17th.
If you have a fun food, wine or beer event coming up let me know and I’ll do my best to publicise it. And if you’ve tried one and enjoyed it (or not enjoyed it, come to that . . . ) leave your feedback below.
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