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Which beer to drink on New Year’s Eve?
If you’re planning to toast the new year with a beer rather than a glass of champagne which one should it be? A quick Twitter survey revealed a whole raft of interesting options
Many went for the nearest the beer world has to offer - a celebratory ale: Adnams Sole Bay in the case of Adrian Tierney Jones (@atjbeer), Deus (@hautcedre) and Malheur Brut - the choice of beer writer Pete Brown (@petebrownbeer)
Others felt strongly it should be a local beer from a brewery they already patronise. As Chris King of @NorthernWrites aptly put it “something you love, something you know. Amount of times I’ve saved a big bottle for NYE and it’s been naff/drain pour” while beer writer Melissa Cole @melissacole clearly had her eye on going down her local. “Doubtless something by London Brewing Co @Bull_Highgate”
Of the beer styles available stout and imperial stout were popular as perhaps more surprisingly was gueuze though there was, of course, a contingent which favoured hugely popular IPAs and pale ales.
For a party Ben McFarland and Tom Sandham of @thinkingdrinks were planning "@MeantimeBrewing imperial pilsner & @thornbridge Jaipur".
And my own choice? Most probably @wildbeerco's Ninkasi (along with beer bloggers Boak & Bailey) though I do have a couple of handsome full-sized bottles of Italian beers (below) from Mastri Birrai Umbri which we didn’t get round to on Christmas Day - a doppio Malto and a Birra Speciale Rossa which I’ll report back on when we drink them.

Here’s the full list: (Thanks, Twitter!)
@petedrinks Will definitely be having some of my own Coffee Porter, to start but for midnight, I might crack open a @HarviestounBrew Ola Dubh 30 :)
@rhodeshannah I'll be indulging in a mini keg of Jarl from @fyneales. Followed by some fine German Bock Beers from Pyraser and Greif Braueries. I'm sticking to what I know and like. Some big celebration beers sometimes leave me cold and make me go 'meh'.
@BeersIveKnown I'll probably have some Ninkasi and I've a Moor Beer Fusion I want to drink too.
@noel_storey anything from @KinnegarBrewing
@KingsbarnsDist I'll be washing my @WemyssMalts whisky down with @standysbrewing's award winning Crail Ale this new year #shoplocal
BeersManchester @HarviestounBrew Ola Dubh 18 my 'go to' barrel aged porter!
@Natedawg27 I've got Bear Republic Big Bear Black Stout lined up for NYE consumption although I am actually tempted to open the 04/05 Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout that a friend gave me!
Beer sommelier Sophie Atherton (@SophWrites) I think I'll open my St Austell Korev Brut.
Boak and Bailey if we go to the pub, it'll probably be Blue Anchor Spingo Middle. Otherwise, we've been saving a Wild Beer Co Ninkasi.
@andyholliday @BradfieldBrew Belgian Blue - a seasonal beauty us northerners normally keep a secret!
Alistair Gilmour @cheerspal Mikkeller Yeast Series Lager (6.4% abv) and a dram. Because I'm worth it.
@Winerackd Alhambra reserva, @FivePointsBrew PA and of course @kernelbrewery
@hautcedre Deus Brut de Flandres http://belgium.beertourism.com/belgian-beers/deus-brut-des-flandres
@ParkandBridge We'll be drinking @TwoCocksBrewery cavalier and @EstrellaDammCat Inedit - both stunning favourites with food.
@thebeercast Something big, bold and historic from @Luckie_Ales - such as the incredible XXXP 1841 Porter.
@ragazzadeltreno If I was having a really special bottle of beer, it would have to be an oude gueuze mariage parfait from a great brewery.
@didsthewinegeek One that turned my head this Christmas was Copperhead by the Belfast Brewery. Fruity and refreshing.
@pinkandtweed something dark & strong. A stout from @PartizanBrewing I reckon.
@emma_hibbert I know I'm biased but it has to be @Adnams Sole Bay Celebratory beer
@thinkingdrinks throwing party with @MeantimeBrewing imperial pilsner & @thornbridge Jaipur.
@Beeradventcal export stout or a Cantillon Grand Cru Bruocsella 2008
@atjbeer choice between Adnams Sole Bay, Wild Beer Ninkasi Premier Cru or Sharps Honey Spice IPA
@PJ Cantillon Lambic or a Boon Old Gueuze, perhaps. There will be Imperial Stout involved at some point too :-)
@melissacole Doubtless something by London Brewing Co @Bull_Highgate. Although if I could drink it over again, 2005 Chimay Grande Reserve I had w/Christmas lunch
@petebrownbeer got a very special bottle of Malheur Brut looking all nice and shiny!
@vinestead Am pretty lucky to have @WestBerksBrew and @LooseCannonBeer both local. Couldn't do much better than that.
@sausagekinguk Ghost ship from @Adnams I think.
@linguagroover Likely to be chez moi so a glass of Old Speckled Hen
@markdredge Good question... I haven't thought about that yet! Probably a can of @camdenbrewery Hells then something special after.
Other beer-lovers what are you planning to drink? Tell me and I'll add it to the list!
If you're wondering what to eat with all these delicious beers here's a menu for a New Year's Eve Beer Dinner with recipes from my book An Appetite for Ale.
Image © draghicich - Fotolia.com
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