Q & A | What’s the best wine to drink with french fries?

Q & A

What’s the best wine to drink with french fries?

Here’s a great question from Anna Boulton, the owner of a gîte in the Limousin

Q We need advice on what to drink with our favourite “takeaway” dinner. To clarify its not actually a takeaway at all, as that would involve a 160km round trip to our nearest takeaway in Limoges! So it’s our version! When we are tired and can’t be bothered to cook - we do Aga chips. So, big, thick, hand cut, chunky, skin-on chips that go in the Aga at 250 degrees. Sometimes if we have bread we can make a buttie, but if not its just chips, freshly gound sel de Guérande and mayonnaise - and obviously wine!

But what wine would be your advice? We have tried a riesling - not so good - and a Touraine sauvignon which was actually really great. Any other ideas?

A There’s one type of wine that is pretty well always spot on with fried food and that’s sparkling! Champagne or English sparkling wine if you’re feeling extravagant, cava if you’re not though if you’re in France the more affordable option would be a crémant. (I particularly like cremant d’Alsace)

Add truffles,as in this dish of huevos rotos I had in Barcelona and you can justify quite a serious bottle!

Image by Ande_Hazel from Pixabay

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Comments: 3 (Add)

Ron on October 22 2021 at 23:03

I like Crémant d'Alsace as well, but those from Bordeaux and the Loire might be closer to what the OP liked about the Sauvignon Blanc from Tours.

Fiona Beckett on January 17 2021 at 12:30

Great to hear!

Anna Boulton on January 17 2021 at 11:19

Thanks for the advice Fiona ...the Cremant d'Alsace was perfect!!!

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