Top pairings | Pairing wine and artichokes (updated)

Pairings | Cabernet

Pairing wine and artichokes (updated)

Artichokes are frequently described as a “wine-killer,” but is that reputation deserved? While it’s true that artichokes can make dry white wines taste unexpectedly sweet, the problem is somewhat exaggerated.

As with other ingredients the key to finding a good pairing is looking at how artichokes are prepared and served.

The hardest way is the classic serving of boiled artichokes with a vinaigrette which defeats most wines other than very dry white wines and rosés. (Fino and manzanilla sherry are much better)

But these days artichokes are prepared in many other ways - served raw or grilled, as a pizza topping or with other ingredients such as lamb or Mediterranean vegetables. Which means you can go for wines you might not expect.

Take, for example, the innovative approach of Simi Winery in California. They found that chargrilling artichokes and serving them with garlic mayonnaise made for a perfect match with their Sauvignon Blanc. This technique, along with serving artichokes raw or paired with rare meats, can help mitigate the sweetening effect that artichokes often have on wine. it would also go with this artichoke and preserved lemon dip.

In Venice and across northern Italy, artichokes are often incorporated into creamy risottos, which pair beautifully with wines like Soave or Bianco di Custoza and, further south, with Trebbiano as I discovered from this pairing at a spectacular artichoke dinner at Bocca di Lupo in London. 

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Comments: 4 (Add)

Fiona Beckett on April 19 2021 at 10:13

@ J.R. That sounds absolutely delicious!

J. R. on April 19 2021 at 10:10

I recently paired artichokes (steamed then grilled, dressed with black salt flakes and extra-virgin olive oil) with Vara y Pulgar, a mineral red from Cádiz, and the match worked very well.

A.Rrajani Photographer on July 15 2020 at 14:17


DC on May 27 2015 at 18:33

Torres viña Esmeralda, a blend of Muscat and 15% Gewürztraminer is said to be a good match for artichokes

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