Match of the week |  Savigny-Les-Beaune and Chicken and Cep Pie

Match of the week

Savigny-Les-Beaune and Chicken and Cep Pie

Finding something suitable to drink with a good red burgundy is a bit of a challenge as so many dishes are highly flavoured these days.

So - confession time - I made the rookie error of making an elaborate side dish (the herby cabbage and potato gratin) from the new Ottolenghi OTK book because I was afraid the pie which I’d ordered from the Marksman menu on Dishpatch wouldn’t be enough for three.

Had I had more confidence in the generosity of their portions and gone for the simpler accompaniment of mash and perhaps some buttered sprout tops it would have been the perfect match with the delicate, pretty Domaine Seguin-Manuel Savigny-les-Beaune ‘Godeaux’ 2018 I served with it. As it was the wine which was still quite youthful took a bit of a hammering from the herbs, garlic (2 heads of it, albeit roasted) and lemon in the gratin, a dish that probably would have been better with a sharp white, maybe even a Chablis.

You can buy the wine, which I was sent as a sample from Haynes Hanson & Clark for £29 (or £25.75 if you buy a full case) but would suggest it would benefit from a further year or two in your cellar - or wherever you store your wine.

Anyway I don’t hesitate to recommend the Marksman’s Chicken and Cep pie to you, with or without burgundy. It’s utterly delicious.

I paid for the pie. The wine was a press sample.

For other good red burgundy pairings see The Best Pairings with Red Burgundy

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Comments: 2 (Add)

Fiona Beckett on November 9 2021 at 08:54

Ah - should have explained that! Will correct!

Nick Brett on November 9 2021 at 00:14

I had to look up cep! I was ignorant but now feel slightly less so!

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