Match of the week
Fruit kebabs and Moët Ice Imperial
A combination I came across at the launch of Moët’s new Ice Imperial Champagne last week - a Champagne that’s designed to be served over ice (yes, that’s right - with the ice actually in it)
It’s a clever idea. Champagne still seems a special occasion wine and maybe a bit dry for younger drinkers so they’ve come up with this demi-sec (medium-dry) cuvée which is served ice cold in large Chianti-style glasses. If that seems like sacrilege they stress it’s meant to be served on a hot day by the pool like a cocktail.
You can drop fresh berries or lime zest into it or - even better - serve it with fresh fruit kebabs like the ones pictured. (The strawberries were specially delicious).
There’s one hitch. You can’t buy it in the shops (unless you’re a celeb in which case I gather Moët will find some way to get it to you) and only drink it in a limited number of venues including, mysteriously, 10 in the Bournemouth area.
However I’m sure the match would work with any demi-sec Champagne served nice and cold or with a bottle of Asti or Clairette de Die.
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