Match of the week
Coffee and cardamom buns
For a long time I’ve resisted the idea of a Nespresso machine but then a friend said she had a spare to get rid of and I’ve succumbed. Why did I wait so long? No sooner does the thought enter your mind that you might like a coffee than you can gratify it. Literally in seconds.
Less easy is finding the kind of coffee pod you like and the right way to brew it - short or long. Bizarrely the machine has decided to make espressos when you press the long switch and longer coffees when you press the espresso one. Or I’ve flicked some secret switch which has muddled it up. Whatever. I’m getting there. I like (I think) the Rosabaya de Columbia and the Capriccio but there are so many colours, strengths and flavours I’m a tad confused.
So I’ve been drinking (black) coffee with everything including the banana and cardamom buns from Meera Sodha’s Fresh India (which is only £9.99 on Amazon at the time of writing) to which I’ve become mildly addicted.
Cardamom and coffee is of course a classic combination so it makes sense to drink one with the other. Obviously it goes with Swedish-style cardamom buns too.
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