Match of the week
Bacon, egg and claret
You might think the idea of eating bacon and egg with good claret is sacrilege but bear with me.
When you've got a great bottle of Bordeaux you don't necessarily want anything too fancy to drink with it. I was put onto this combination by a friend who once worked for a tycoon who used to regularly crack open a bottle of Lafite or Latour for breakfast.
Now I'm sure the health police will ge me for saying this but it's a great combination. Maybe not before 11am but as a late breakfast or brunch. Rather less grand than the rib of beef with truffle jus you will find suggested on the Lafite website, but considerably more congenial, if I may say so, than the 'soft centred' chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream also recommended on the site.
You want a wine in which Cabernet makes up at least half of the blend, I suggest - not too young but not too venerable either.
Maybe a 'lunchtime claret' if funds won't stretch to first growths . . .
Go on, give it a try!
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